what we recommend
short on time?
Here is what we recommend for a quick energy boost and overall recovery and health. PEMF will charge your cells and balance your PH level, alkalizing the body. Whole Body Vibration will break up any lactic acid and reduce chronic pain such as back pain, neck pain etc. It also builds muscle and bone density. Follow this with Red Light Therapy which boosts your immune system, makes your skin glow, and helps your cells produce more ATP which is the energy your body uses everyday! You could also substitute Whole Body Vibration for the Cryotherapy which will reduce stress and anxiety as well as releasing endorphins, leaving you feeling energized and invigorated. We recommend this as a quick protocol for those short on time and still want to Level Up their health and experience many benefits and eliminate the midday slump.
1. PEMF Therapy (12 min)
2. Vibration Therapy (10 min)
3. Red Light Therapy (15 min)
1. Cryotherapy (5 min)
2. PEMF Therapy (12 min)
3. Red Light Therapy (15 min)
i’ve got all day!
Do you have plenty of time to spend on your health and wellness? We love that! We want to spend the day with you too. Let’s discuss what you can do everyday, and what requires separate visits.
1. PEMF Therapy (12min)
2. Cryotherapy (5 min)
3. EWOT Therapy (15 min)
4. HOCATT Ozone Sauna OR Hyper T Pro Wellness Pod
5. Vibration Therapy (10 min)
6. Ballancer Gold Lymphatic (45 min - 1 hour)
7. Red Light Therapy (15 min)
*Skip if you choose HyperT Pro Wellness Pod
We recommend doing these on SEPARATE DAYS:
1. HOCATT Ozone Sauna (30 min) and HyperT Pro Wellness Pod (30-45 min)
3. HyperT Pro Wellness Pod and Red Light Therapy (The wellness pod has Red Light in it! )
Why? These saunas detox the body and we do not want to over detox.
target specific goals
1. PEMF Therapy (12 min)
2. Cryo (3+ min)
3. EWOT (15 min)
4. HyperT Pro Wellness Pod (30-45 min) OR Red Light Therapy (15 min)
5. Vibration Therapy (10 min)
Everything we offer is geared towards athletic performance and recovery. We recommend all of our modalities to level up your fitness and overall health. It will help you perform better in the gym because our modalities increase your oxygen intake and help repair tissues and muscles. When you increase oxygen, you can push harder during your workout and increase strength and energy. Cellular health is a key component of workout and recovery because your cells produce ATP, the energy your body uses. Our modalities help increase the production of ATP and help rid of cellular waste. Our machines also help remove lactic acid from the body and speed recovery of DOMS, muscle tears, tendon injuries, bone injuries and many more.
healthy weight management
1. Cryo (3+ min)
2. HOCATT Ozone Sauna (30 min)
3. Red Light (15 min)
1. PEMF (12 min)
2. EWOT (15 min)
3. HyperT Pro Wellness Pod (30 - 45 min)
Oxygen + Heat = Caloric burn!
Almost all of our modalities speed up your metabolism, balance hormones, and help you increase your athletic performance and recovery. These are great in conjunction with working out. These three modalities burn up to 600 calories in a session: HOCATT Ozone Sauna, Cryotherapy, and HyperT Pro Wellness Pod. In the HyperT Pro Wellness Pod you can attach exercise bands to perform HIT exercises to increases caloric burn!
The Ballancer Gold Lymphatic is a great way to drop a few dress sizes quickly and maintain your health afterwards. It helps flush water weight, reduce cellulite, smooth the skin, and rid of toxins all within an hour! We recommend 12 session in your first month, then maintain with once a week after you get your first 12 sessions in.
*You do not need to book Red Light and HypterT Pro Wellness Pod on the same day, because the Wellness Pod already has Red Light.
1. Cryotherapy (3+ min)
2. HyperT Pro Wellness Pod (30-45 min)
3. Sonix Vibration (10 min) OR Ballancer Gold Lymphatic (45 - 1 hour)
The body goes into Fight or Flight mode which causes a spike in the immune system. Heat Shock Proteins and Cold Shock Proteins are produced in response to the therapy aiding in immunity, recovery and reduction of free radicals. After this, we want to clear out waste and toxins from the body. Sonix Vibration and the Ballancer Gold stimulate the Lymphatic System which plays a huge role in our Immune System by protecting the body against foreign invaders. It produces and releases white blood cells that destroy the foreign invaders — such as bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi — that may enter your body. This is a great way to keep your immune system in optimal health!
1. PEMF (12 min)
2. Hocatt (30 min)
3. Sonix Vibration (optional - 10 min) OR Ballancer Gold (45 min - 1 hour)
Are you feeling sick? Do you have a disease or a virus? This is the protocol for you! The Hocatt is the essential key in this protocol. The Hocatt kills all viruses, bacteria, parasites, yeast and fungi. It puts the body into apoptosis, meaning it kills unwanted cells that are harmful to the body. After the Hocatt, we want to push out the waste by stimulating the lymphatic system. The Sonix Vibration and the Ballancer Gold will move lymph fluid through the lymph nodes so they can capture and filter toxins and cellular waste.
1. HyperT Pro Wellness Pod (30-45 min) OR Red Light Therapy (15 min)
2. Vibration Therapy (10 min) OR Ballancer Gold Lymphatic (45 min - 1 hour)
3. Cryo (3+ min)
Red Light Therapy and the HyperT Pro Wellness Pod are great for our skin! It leaves skin glowing, aids in collagen production and helps heal wounds faster. It is great for uneven skin tones, acne, psoriasis and eczema.
The Ballancer Gold Lymphatic and Vibration Therapy are great for reducing cellulite and smoothing the skin as well as many other benefits for our health.
Cryo helps reduce cellulite and tightens the skin.